Sober living

Treatment types for mental health, drugs, alcohol

The endpoint is voluntary control over use and reintegration into the roles and responsibilities of society. Shortly after substance use is stopped, people may experience withdrawal, the onset of unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms —from irritability to shakiness to nausea; delirium and seizures in severe cases. A person in recovery for drug addiction looks out […]

Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Alcohol and Drug Use Disorders: Through the Stage Model and Back Again PMC

Dialectical behavioral therapy can be helpful for treating a range of psychiatric conditions in both adolescent and adult populations. Hester and colleagues (Hester, Delaney, & Campbell, 2011) conducted a study in which 78 non-dependent problem drinkers were randomized to either Moderation Management alone () (either delivered in-person or web-based) or Moderation Management plus online training […]

Art as Living Amends: Nick Cave on Creativity as an Instrument of Self-Forgiveness and the Necessity of Hope in a Fragile World

Content Support Our Mission Living Amends Support for Me and My Family Start healing from addiction today How Soon Do I Start to Make Amends Once I Am Sober? Making Amends in Addiction Recovery This feeling can be especially strong with spouses, children, and other family members. Many addicts think they don’t deserve to have […]